Have you ever tried to walk on water? I don't mean when its 20 degrees outside, I mean real water. it doesn't work. You put your foot on the water and it goes right through. Depending on your balance, your foot gets a little wet. It is impossible to humanly walk on water (in liquid form). Yet in Matthew 14:29, we read about Peter walking on the water! So it was only a couple of seconds, but he still walked on water when he had his eyes on Jesus! It wasn't only until he looked at the rolling waves and heard the whistling wind that he began to sink!
As our family continues to move forward in our Journey, we are going to have to walk on some water! We just recently moved into the Browncroft Community Church's missions house so that we can prep our other house for sale. There are a lot of winds and waves rising before us! The real estate market isn't great! This time of year isn't really the hot time for buying a house. We only have so much saved money to pay rent and a mortgage. But we are not going to look at the waves nor fear the winds, but look directly at Jesus so that when our house does sell and when all our support is raised, then all glory be to God our Father! Many will question and doubt, but we fix our eyes on Jesus who is our author and finisher of our faith!
Has not God already provided in so many ways before? Did not God help David kill a bear and a lion before he killed Goliath? Great is our God! Holy is the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world!