Hi, how has it been? I know, I know, it's been a long time!
So for those who don't follow us on Facebook or get our emails, we have been in Kenya for almost 4 months. We are dorm parents for 8, 5th and 6th grade boys and Amy and I are both teaching some classes. We are truly dependent on God's provision and we fully trust that God enables us to do that which He has called us to. Everyday we awake to God's beautiful country, with a gorgeous Africa sky and a vivacious valley below. We are often visited by baboons and other primates, making our stay a little more adventurous.
But what brings the most joy is being planted here by God to bear his fruit. Everyday, we get a chance to pour God's truth into the lives of boys and girls who desire to know Truth. We have also had the pleasure of making friends with some of the local Kenyans.
It is evident that we can not do all of this on our own strength, but need to constantly live according to the Spirit. We are thankful to all of our friends and family who pray for us and support us in many different ways. We are thankful to be here and we know it is only by God's grace and provision that we are here and we pray that God's will be done and not our own.